Book your 2024-25 program now!
We can adjust our sex-ed programs to meet the needs of each school client:
• IN PERSON—on campus, in the classroom facilitated discussions, as long as we all adhere to Los Angeles County safety protocols
• VIRTUALLY--with synchronous facilitated discussions and supplemental resources that are accessible at any time
Rachelle Martinez, Odyssey Charter School, Director of Operations discusses the benefits of More Than Sex-Ed programming.
School Clients include:
Areté Preparatory Academy, West Los Angeles - Argo Navis School, Los Angeles - Arts in Action Chater, East Los Angeles - Aveson Global Leadership Academy, Altadena - Aveson School of Leaders, Altadena - Barnhart School, Arcadia - California Collegiate Charter School, Los Angeles - Chadwick School, Palos Verdes - City Language Immersion Charter, Los Angeles - DeToledo High School, West Hills - Downtown Value School, Los Angeles - Echo Horizon School, Culver City - El Rio Community School, Los Angeles - Environmental Charter Schools, South Los Angeles - Franklin Avenue School, Los Feliz - Gabriella Charter School, Los Angeles - Harbor Day School, Corona Del Mar - Harvard Westlake School, Los Angeles - Highland Hall Waldorf School, Northridge - Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach - Ingenium Charter Middle School, Winnetka - Intellectual Virtues Academy, Long Beach - Kindezi Schools, Atlanta GA - KIPP Comienza Community Prep School, Los Angeles - KIPP Philosopher's Academy, Los Angeles - The Knowing Garden Community School, Redondo Beach - Maple Village Waldorf School, Long Beach - Marymount High School, Los Angeles - Mirman Elementary and Middle Schools, Los Angeles - MUSE Elementary, Middle and High Schools, Calabasas - New LA Charter Schools, Los Angeles - New Roads Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, Santa Monica - The New School of San Francisco - Oak Knoll Montessori, Pasadena - Oasis Trilingual School, Temple City - Ocean Charter School, Los Angeles - Odyssey Charter School, Altadena - Open Magnet Charter School, Los Angeles - Our Community School, Chatsworth - Pasadena Waldorf Middle and High Schools, Pasadena - Rolling Hills Prep School, San Pedro - Social Impact Center, Burbank YMCA - South LA College Prep, Los Angeles - South Pasadena PTA - Sycamore Community School - Synergy Quantum Academy, Los Angeles - The Country School, Studio City - The Thacher School, Ojai - Valley Beth Shalom Day School, Encino - TVT Community Day, Irvine - Valley Charter Middle School, Van Nuys - Valley Waldorf City School, Lake Balboa - Walden School, Pasadena - Wildwood Middle and Upper Schools, Los Angeles - Windward School, Los Angeles - WISH Community and Academy Schools, Los Angeles