Jeff Martin of MUSE Global School talks about More Than Sex-Ed’s programming at their campus.
More Than Sex-Ed makes a positive impact in so many ways.
See what our school partners, parents, and youth participants have to say about us:
Holly Novick, Head of School, The Country School, talks about the origins of More Than Sex-Ed and our very first pilot program.
“Jill Herbertson brought her “More Than Sex Ed” program to the Country School in Spring 2013. The curriculum offers a comprehensive set of solid information about what it means to grow up, develop interpersonal relationships, and navigate the tricky waters of adolescence and young adulthood. Grounded in respect for the individual and the rights of personhood, this program is teaching our 6th, 7th and 8th graders that sexuality is an integral part of what it means to be a human and that it should be celebrated and respected. Thanks to this program, we are sending our young people to high school with a thorough understanding of not just anatomy and reproduction, but relationships, emotion, diversity and acceptance of human sexuality in its myriad forms.”
“When California’s Healthy Youth Act went into effect, we were concerned that it would be difficult to train our teachers to provide a comprehensive sexual health education program and find a curriculum that addresses all of the necessary components required by the state. Our school was fortunate to come across the More Than Sex-Ed Program and we are very pleased with the lessons our students are receiving. Each week our fourth through eighth grade classes participate in comprehensive, factual, inclusive sex-ed with content that is tailored to each individual grade level. The facilitators deliver engaging lessons and build rapport with students to establish a sense of trust and mutual respect. With the More Than Sex-Ed program, students learn so much more than the basic biological functions of the human reproductive system. Our scholars look forward to new lessons each week where they have sophisticated discussions on topics such as gender roles, hidden media messages, and personal values. We’ve received positive feedback from both parents and teachers and would highly recommend the More Than Sex-Ed program to other schools in the Los Angeles area! ”
“What I learned in this class was our body parts and to make good decisions. Thank you, best teacher! We are going to miss you”
“Thank you for making me feel more comfortable about talking about bodies changing, and sex. ”
“I learned a lot from this class. I enjoyed how relaxed it was and that it wasn’t solely based on STI’s and the reproductive system. I loved the human sexuality aspect of it and I loved feeling like I could be honest and comfortable in this group. Thank you.”
Suzanne McClure, Former Director of MUSE Middle and High School, talks about bringing More Than Sex-Ed in to work with their 7th through 12th graders.
“This was a really great experience for me. I went in not expecting a lot, and ended up taking away a lot. Not only was it a ton of fun that was led by great leaders, it gave me knowledge and perspective I will hold and cherish forever.”
“This class was a safe place to discuss both personal and broad topics with humor and without judgment. It was unprecedentedly informative and unbiased, and will serve as lifelong guidance for me, and I’m sure the whole group. ”
Rachelle Martinez, Former Director of Operations, Odyssey Charter School, describes the program we've built with them and what it's done for their students!
“When we heard about the program, we were thrilled...and our son had an amazing experience. But it wasn’t until he was faced with some challenges at school and elsewhere that we realized how valuable this program truly is; it was the foundation that helped him to make strong, informed choices. What a gift!”
“I am the parent of 3 kids, and all of them received their middle school sex education with More Than Sex Ed. I have been so impressed with their curriculum and have had the unique perspective of watching my kids grow up with this knowledge. It has enabled us to talk more deeply with one another as a family about the sensitive and often-times embarrassing matters of sex. I have learned SO much as a parent by attending the caregiver’s workshops, and I am so appreciative that the educators are visibly passionate about what they are teaching. In their workshops, the educators use words like “affirmation, inclusivity, consensual, respectful, honesty, safety, diversity, and healthy communication”...and they mean those words. They embody those words. Puberty and adolescence is a challenging time in a young person’s life, and More Than Sex-Ed provides a platform to encourage and discuss awareness and acceptance of the many facets of human sexuality. This information is empowering for young people, and in my experience as a parent of teens, it helps them to honor and trust who they are and what feels good and safe to them. Everyone can benefit from this type of education. Our family certainly has!”
“As the parent of two teenagers, This program has given me as much peace of mind when it comes to human sexuality as it is possible to have. As I am a single mom, I really needed my son to get the facts from someone other than his mommy... and the anonymity to ask questions in a safe environment of people I trust.
My daughter rarely talks to me on matters that concern dating, boys, sex, or anything like that. This class gave me a way to make sure she understood the things we don’t discuss...I believe all children and youth can benefit from this beautiful program that helps us integrate our human sexual selves as smoothly as possible into our whole lives.”
“With all of the sexual imagery in various media and potential misinformation from peers, the internet and other random sources out there, I wanted my kids to have a solid foundation, not only in the physical aspects of sexuality but the mental and emotional aspects. This course has been such a positive experience for my kids. What a gift to be able to give them that knowledge and support.”