California's Healthy Youth Act, EC 51903-39 and AB2601
image based on work by Hank Green for Vlogbrothers; Christina Gonzalez, Vanessa Prell, Jack Rivas and Jarrod Schwartz for Just Communities Central Coast, and
It’s the law. Comprehensive, fact-based and inclusive Sexual Health Education is no longer merely optional for middle and high school youth.
Legislation passed in October 2015, makes California’s Sexual Health Education requirements the most comprehensive, inclusive and rigorous in the nation. And Assembly Bill 2601 signed in September 2018, states explicitly that California charter school must also meet this mandate by 2019-2020.
More Than Sex-Ed (MTSE) has created several options to help Los Angeles area schools meet the new demands of this state-mandated program.
Sign up for a 30 min phone call to discuss your school's program needs.
The main goal of EC 51903-39 is to expand upon previous standards, and to integrate previously mandated instruction about reproductive health topics (HIV, AIDS, STIs, and unintended pregnancy) into a thorough sexual health program, providing pupils the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family. MTSE curriculum covers all of these topics, including the additional EC 51903-39 goals of:
Promoting understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development
Ensuring pupils receive integrated, comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased sexual health and HIV prevention instruction and providing educators with clear tools and guidance to accomplish that end
Providing pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to have healthy, positive, and safe relationships and behaviors
MTSE meets the instruction and materials requirements of EC 51903-39:
Affirmatively recognizes that people have different sexual orientations, inclusive of same-sex relationships
Teaches pupils about gender, gender expression, gender identity, and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes
Encourages pupil to communicate with their parents, guardians, and other trusted adults about human sexuality and provides the knowledge and skills necessary to do so
Teaches the value of and prepares pupils to have and maintain committed relationships such as marriage
Provides pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to form healthy relationships that are based on mutual respect and affection, and are free from violence, coercion, and intimidation
Provides pupils with the knowledge and skills for making and implementing healthy decisions about sexuality, including negotiation and refusal skills to assist pupils in overcoming peer pressure and using effective decision making skills to avoid high-risk activities
MTSE instruction and materials do not teach or promote religious doctrine