Sexual Health Awareness Month @ MTSE
/various contraceptives
By Emmalinda MacLean & Dr. Allie Melendez
September is Sexual Health Awareness Month—a theme that feels especially significant to us at More Than Sex-Ed. Our work is all about nurturing healthy development through “open, honest conversations about sex.” This new month energizes us to redefine sexual health education, address myths and misinformation, and help connect people to the tools and resources they need to take care of their own bodies!
Open, Honest Conversations About Sex
In our classes with students, and workshops with parents and caregivers, we’ve seen firsthand how open, honest conversations can change lives. Sexual health isn’t just about avoiding diseases or unplanned pregnancies—it’s about understanding our bodies, feeling comfortable with who we are, and building relationships grounded in trust and mutual respect.
We know these conversations aren’t always easy. Many of us grew up in environments where talking about sex was awkward, even taboo. Without honest dialogue, we’re left with confusion, anxiety, and sometimes, risky behaviors. By encouraging open and straightforward discussions regarding sexual health, we help young people dismantle the taboos that prevent many from seeking out the facts and making informed decisions. Our workshop-based curriculum allows us to create brave spaces where students can ask questions, share their experiences, and learn from one another in an environment of trust and respect.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Care for Minors
But knowledge and comfort alone are not enough to protect your health; people deserve access to resources, too. California law requires that middle and high school students receive information about their legal rights regarding sexual and reproductive healthcare, and guidance on how to access local resources. We make sure students know that in our state they have the right to confidential medical care if they are over 12 years old, including prevention, testing, and treatment for HIV and other STIs, as well as pregnancy-related healthcare. Minors in California even have the right to leave school for these medical appointments (with a doctor’s note), because for some teens this is the only time they can access this care without their parents’ knowledge. Some of our client schools in the past were unfamiliar with this law, so we make sure that teachers and administrators know their students’ legal rights too!
Some parents are alarmed at the thought of their child receiving medical treatment without parental consent. The heartbreaking truth, though, is that many children experience sexual abuse in their own homes, or are at risk of abuse if parents find out about their sexual behaviors. While the debate over “parents’ rights” rages across our country, and we respect that different people have different values about how to raise their children, we are grateful to live and teach in a state that knows no one has the right to abuse a child.
Accessing Local Resources
We regularly map out the nearest Planned Parenthood to a school before we teach there. We let students know that there is no age restriction on buying condoms and that many clinics give them away for free. Birth control and emergency contraception (the “morning-after pill”, or Plan B) are available over-the-counter. There are even at-home STI test kits, where you mail your sample into a clinic or lab and they send you back your results confidentially.
The fear that these resources will encourage or “give permission” to teens to engage in more sexual activity doesn’t stand up to the data–quite the opposite. Showing young people the range of factors that go into being responsible for your sexual health care impresses on them the weight of the decision. We regularly tell parents, guardians, and school faculty that research shows comprehensive sex-ed delays sexual debut, and increases use of protection when someone does become sexually active. Students also hear from us that the longer someone waits before becoming sexually active, the less likely they are to regret the choice.
Addressing the Myths and Misinformation
One of the greatest challenges in sexual health education is combating the myths and misinformation that are so prevalent in our culture. From misunderstandings about contraception and STIs to harmful stereotypes about gender and sexuality, these misconceptions can have serious consequences.
Many students are shocked to learn that condoms and birth control methods all have failure rates. Others (or sometimes, the same ones) come in with internalized negative beliefs about sex that are so strong that it can be difficult for them to imagine a sexual relationship being mutually pleasurable, joyful, and fulfilling. We’ve heard students vehemently defend sexist attitudes as though they were scientific facts; Unfortunately, we know that it’s unlikely for beliefs to change simply because someone is presented with evidence against them, but we try to meet all participants with patience and compassion for wherever they are. Beliefs can change, and sometimes discussions with classmates are more impactful than anything a teacher might say; we love seeing peer pressure as a force for good.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation Grant
This year, More Than Sex-Ed has been chosen as a recipient of a generous grant from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation to support our work for the 24-25 school year. This grant will allow us to educate students about the past, present, and future of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and to reduce the misinformation and stigma against LGBTQ+ individuals and communities.
We are so excited that The AIDS Healthcare Foundation grant will allow us to expand our outreach to more communities across Los Angeles and to enhance our workshops with updated curricula in which all students feel represented, respected, informed, and empowered in their sexual health decision-making.
More Than Sex Ed
While we love that Sexual Health Awareness Month coincides with back-to-school season, our commitment to promoting sexual health through open dialogue continues year-round, and we invite you to join us in our efforts.
Whether you're a parent looking to start a conversation with your child, an educator seeking resources for your students, or an individual wanting to learn more about your sexual health, More Than Sex-Ed is here to support you. Together, we can create a culture where everyone feels empowered to talk about sex openly, honestly, and without fear.
This September, all of us at More Than Sex-Ed invite you to challenge the myths, reduce the stigma, and empower ourselves and others with the knowledge and confidence to make informed choices. After all, sexual health is MORE THAN just sex—it's about living the happy, healthy, fulfilling lives all of us deserve.