We've got you covered with our complete program!  

  • 15-session human sexuality education course meeting all the requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act

  • complete curriculum in either a live on-campus experience or an online virtual classroom

  • scheduled fully-facilitated PowerPoint presentations

  • videos, demos, quizzes, games, readings, reflections, and an anonymous question box

  • interactive discussions which allow students to build skills around articulating their own values and recognizing a diversity of opinions

We know that young people absorb messages about bodies, gender, love, and sex from a very young age; we want to give young people the tools to think critically, engage compassionately, and make the choices that are best for their health and happiness.

Grab some time with Robin to discuss sex-ed programming for your school. Schedule your conversation here:

Rachelle Martinez, Director of Operations at Odyssey, discusses our partnership.

Odyssey Charter has been our client since 2016.