More Than Sex-Ed in Schools Across Los Angeles—De Toledo High School

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We are thrilled to work with a variety of schools!
They may be charter, pilot, or independent schools, but one consistent feature is that each has administrators and teachers who profoundly recognize the value of well facilitated conversations with students about personal relationships and sexual health.

We'd like to introduce you to De Toledo High School!

Last winter we presented a brief powerpoint  to key staff. They found that our program, which emphasizes that each person's values are at the center of how they experience their own sexuality, fit very well with the DTHS mission "to to raise up a new generation of Jewish leaders for whom Jewish values and tradition shape and guide their vision, and for whom knowledge creates possibilities for moral action, good character, and shalom."

The resulting program has been a workshop with:

  • small breakout groups on consent and bystander responsibility to the entire DTHS senior class,

  • followed by a 21 hour professional development in-service for 2 dozen key staff. 

This has been such a rich learning experience for us as well, and we are so impressed by the deep care and thoughtful way DTHS staff support the academic and personal growth of each student. We look forward to our continuing relationship with DTHS.

We design programs specifically tailored for each school client's unique needs.

Here's a handy link for you to evaluate YOUR school's sex-ed program!

There is still time to have your school contact us to tailor a program for 2018-19!