Flash back to our start at The Country School

Flash back to our start at The Country School

Unsurprisingly the new year tends to inspire a bit of reminiscing and reflection upon the past. I recently checked in with Holly Novick, Head of School at The Country School in Valley Village. Holly was the first school administrator who opened the door and gave me a chance to pitch the idea for a comprehensive, inclusive, fact-based, affirming sex ed program facilitated by professionals.

At that time More Than Sex-Ed was still just an idea

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“How do we support our LGBTQIA+ students?”

“How do we support our LGBTQIA+ students?”

We have been back to school and working with educators for a month now, and it’s so gratifying to serve our returning clients as well as students and staff on campuses that are brand new to us. But regardless of where our client schools are or how long we have been working with them, the biggest area of concern for staff and administrators is most often, “How do we support our LGBTQIA+ students?” A hugely important question, to be sure, when we have ample evidence that LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempts, personal safety issues and lower academic achievement than their cisgender and heterosexual peers. We are delighted that Chris Angel Murphy (they/them) breaks it down for us.

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Sex Education is Relevant Year-Round--by Beth Rendeiro, Director of Outreach & Engagement

 Sex Education is Relevant Year-Round--by Beth Rendeiro, Director of Outreach & Engagement

Many schools and educators understand the need for and benefits of comprehensive sex education for their students. In some states, including California, sex education is mandatory for students of certain ages. But for some reason many schools wait until the last three months of the school year to schedule their programming. Is it something about spring? We don’t know each school’s reasons but here are some reasons to schedule the sex education program during the fall or winter.

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We're Back! Live & In Person!

We're Back! Live & In Person!

One of the highlights of being on campus is running into students from previous years, and the Pasadena Waldorf High School students made our day when a group of them saw us walking into the main office, and one announced to her friends, “Those are the sex-ed people!”

Yep, that’s us, we’re back, and it’s great to see you too.

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Bright Spots & Shining Spirits: the kids are alright

Bright Spots & Shining Spirits: the kids are alright

As we look towards a bright future and a hope-filled new year, I want to share with you some “detail shots” looking back on this year’s classes, and the wonderful students we have the joy of working with.  Curious, courageous, compassionate young people like these give me all of the hope for the future.

 Let me start with a scene I’m grateful to have witnessed many times over:

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More Than Sex-Ed in Schools Across Los Angeles--MUSE School

More Than Sex-Ed in Schools Across Los Angeles--MUSE School

Muse's philosophy of "Inspiring and Preparing Young People to Live Consciously with Themselves, One Another, and the Planet." instantly resonated with us when Suzanne McClure, Director of Middle/High School contacted MoreThanSex-Ed last winter.

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More Than Sex-Ed in Schools Across Los Angeles—De Toledo High School

More Than Sex-Ed in Schools Across Los Angeles—De Toledo High School

We are thrilled to work with a variety of schools!
They may be charter, pilot, or independent schools, but one consistent feature is that each has administrators and teachers who profoundly recognize the value of well facilitated conversations with students about personal relationships and sexual health.

Meet De Toledo High School in West Hills!

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What West Virginia can teach us about comprehensive sex education

"Of every eight babies that were born in West Virginia, one was born to a teen mother."

PBS Newshour reports on the rising trend of teen pregnancy and birth rates in West Virginia and how, surprisingly, it has led to comprehensive sex education.  Although the trend across the nation has been declining, the exact opposite is happening in West Virginia.  As of May, West Virginia "has the eighth highest teen birth rate of the fifty states."

Here at More than Sex-Ed, we support the comprehensive sex education taking place in West Virginia.  As studies have shown, traditional sex education is not effective in reducing teen pregnancy and birth rates. That is why it is now more important than ever to implement comprehensive sex education in our schools.  



MTSE will be presenting at the 23rd Annual California Charter Schools Conference

 "More Than Sex-Ed. Get comprehensive & inclusive. Get your facts straight." has been accepted as an expo presentation for the 23rd Annual California Charter Schools Conference being held Monday, March 14 to Thursday, March 17, 2016 at the Long Beach Convention Center.

As California schools begin to implement the newly enacted Healthy Youth Act, AB 329, MTSE is so glad to be getting the word out. We are here to help your school comply with the most comprehensive sex-ed requirements in the nation.